Thursday, February 7, 2013

Moral Relativism

A common misunderstanding is that a moral relativist rejects morality. However, just because someone is a moral relativist does not mean that he or she cannot have strongly held moral values. A moral relativist believes that any society can create and enforce whatever  moral laws it needs in order to function and survive. So if  some people feel the need for a right to abortion, pornography, divorce, contraception, same sex marriage, etc. in order  to pursue life and happiness as they see it, without the inconvenience and unpleasantness of having to deal with criticism and restrictions from those who disagree with them, then they also believe it is their right to silence their critics by any means necessary to achieve their goals.

A nation that no longer respects Divine Law nor Natural Law is a nation in which there is no basis for any consensus as to what constitutes a good life or a good  person. So it is that in a relativistic society there is no basis for any agreement between left and right, progressive and conservative, or secular and religious. There is only power politics and the principle that in a relativistic society might makes right.

This is what Pope Benedict meant by the “dictatorship of relativism”.


  1. Applied moral relativism 101
    What is depicted in the above image was "authorised" in the "name og'God'", and for the "glory of 'Jesus'" by the Papal bulls of 1455 and 1493 - both of which provided the justifications for the entire Western colonialist/imperialisdt mis-adventure.
    Plus Google
    1. The Criminal History of the Papacy by Tony Bushby
    2. Columbus & Other Cannibals by Jack Forbes
    3. The Vatican in World Politics
    Also buy and read The Power and the Glory - The Dark Heart of John Paul II's Vatican by David Yallop

    Now what were you saying about moral relativism?

  2. Anonymous,
    No one denies that there are sinners in the Church who have done evil. The great strength of the Church is that it holds to be infallibly true the moral principles revealed by God and confirmed by reason. This enables the Church to be one of the few institutions in all of history that is self-correcting. Incidentally do the sources you list mention the fact that the Church feeds, educates, and provides medical care to more people than any other institution in the whole world? To only tell the bad things about the Church is a form of slander and a serious sin. Perhaps your sources are not as truthful as you think they are.
